Mid-life crisis
We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).
Mid-life crisis—it’s when men and women start reevaluating the direction of their lives. It might be triggered by having the last child leave home; it might happen in response to graying hair or changing health. Whatever the reason, a mid-life crisis can turn your world upside down.
A mid-life crisis calls into question everything that you thought was important. Will I be able to keep doing this type of job when I’m past 50? Will I still enjoy doing this work 20 years from now? Am I making the kind of money I need to retire in comfort?
Am I satisfied with my marriage? Does intimate time with my spouse still give me a thrill? With the kids gone, how will we spend our time together? When we are retired, will I still enjoy this person’s company?
Mid-life crisis happens when you realize that there is an end to life, and you can dimly see it on the horizon. Clocks start ticking louder and days go by faster. You start wondering if you will have time to achieve all your dreams for the future. This can be a good thing; it forces you to focus attention on what’s most important and shed things that leech away time and resources. But a mid-life crisis can be a bad thing if it results in panic—because no decision based on fear will turn out good. Impulsive actions result in affairs, divorces, and ill-advised career changes.
God designed you individually; He gave you the skills and abilities you have for a specific reason. If your life seems out of kilter, maybe you’ve been trying to do things God hasn’t designed you for. So stop fussing and fretting. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Reflect on what you’re naturally good at, the kinds of activities that bring you satisfaction. Spend time reading the Bible, especially about men and women finding their destiny—I’d recommend Genesis, Exodus, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. Then pray—pray long and hard, not just for a day or two, but over a period of weeks. Ask the Lord to open your mind to His will. Be open to every possibility. Trust the Lord to nudge you in the right direction. Don’t make a major life decision with undo haste.
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