Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Praise the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits (Psalm 103:2).

It’s easy to grumble. One study reports that about 75% of the things we say are some sort of complaint. We complain about the high cost of food, fuel and medical care. We complain about our political leaders. We complain about our coworkers. We grumble about traffic and road repairs. We grumble about the teachers, principal and board of education. We grumble about our family. We grumble about our health. To hear us tell it, life is just one aggravation after another.

It’s easy to grumble; it’s harder to show gratitude. So often, we take good things for granted. When’s the last time that you looked at a deep blue sky and appreciated its color? When’s the last time that you took a walk and enjoyed the smell of freshly cut grass? How many times have you lain in bed with the widow open, and peacefully listened to the birds singing outside? When you drink your coffee, do you gulp it down in a rush, or do you enjoy the flavor as you sip at it?

Has it occurred to you what life would be like without a washer or dryer? Without a refrigerator or stove? Can you imagine living without a car or phone? What if you had to make your own clothes? You might complain about the kinds of shows on the air, but what if there were no television or radio?

How often have you thanked God for doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies? How often have you thanked Him for the fire department? How often have you been grateful that men and women are willing to serve our country in the military? How often have you been grateful for the rights of free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion?

When’s the last time you thanked Jesus for dying on the cross so that you can be forgiven? When’s the last time that you thanked Him for rising from the dead so that you can face death unafraid? When’s the last time you were grateful that the Holy Spirit has given you a church to worship in?

It’s easy to complain. But really, hasn’t God given you a lot to be thankful for? Today would be a good time to pause for prayer, and tell our Lord just how grateful you are.

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