Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Going on a trip to someplace new and exciting

Our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20).

I would like to travel more than I have up to this point in my life. I’ve never seen a mountain or a seashore; the only foreign country I’ve been to is Canada. I like to drive, I enjoy boat rides, and I love to fly. So what keeps me from traveling abroad?

First, there’s the problem of language—I can only converse in English. I know that most places in the world have a least a few people who could speak with me, but I worry about getting into a situation where I’m unable to communicate.

Then there’s the problem of time—I just don’t feel comfortable being away from home for a lengthy period. What if some problem came up, and I couldn’t be reached or return home quickly? How would I make sure that all my work was covered in my absence?

A third concern is safety. Many parts of the world are quite dangerous. I’d hate to get caught up in a terrorist attack. And Christians are often targets for religious extremists.

Of course, my biggest concern is money. How could I afford a trip overseas? Wouldn’t that money be put to better use supporting the church, or saved away for retirement?

And yet, despite these concerns, there is one trip that I know I’ll take, a trip to a place I’ve never been to, filled with things I’ve never seen. I’m not sure when that trip will happen, but I do look forward to it. That trip will start on the day that I die; God’s angels will come and take me to heaven.

Am I nervous about that final trip? Not at all! I won’t be going to a place filled with strangers who I can’t understand; I have lots of friends and relatives in heaven right now, and I’ll be able to communicate with everyone just fine. Time won’t be a concern either. When I leave the problems of this world, it will be forever; there’ll be nothing back on earth for me to worry about. Safety won’t be an issue; heaven is a place that is free of sin, pain, and fear. And best of all, heaven is free—Jesus paid my admission when He died on the cross. Even if I never get to travel anywhere else, nothing could ever top my upcoming journey to God’s magnificent home.

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