Thursday, September 17, 2009


In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33).

Daydreaming is a popular pastime. I daydreamed through many boring classes in grade school. I daydreamed while riding on the bus. I still daydream while sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, or when I go out for a stroll around town.

I know that other folks daydream too. People daydream while working in the factory. People daydream during board meetings. People even daydream while driving down the highway. When things get boring or unpleasant, minds start to wander.

Some daydreams are pleasant. You might picture yourself relaxing on a sunny beach, or traveling the country in search of adventure. You might spend time mentally designing your dream home and the landscaping around it. You might even fantasize about the impossible, like being a super hero or exploring outer space.

But other daydreams can be dark and disturbing. It’s dangerous to fantasize about hurting other people. Wishing you could have an affair with a married co-worker can only lead to trouble. Obsession with something you cannot afford can lead to you making a costly mistake.

Daydreams can serve a useful purpose—they can help us escape stress by thinking about something that is calming. But daydreaming can also become a problem. It’s a problem when you aren’t paying attention to the teacher, the dangerous machine you’re operating, or the road ahead. Daydreaming is a problem when it focuses on dark emotions and destructive impulses. And daydreaming is a problem when it is used to escape from dealing with reality.

Life is not always pleasant or enjoyable. But you don’t have to retreat into daydreams in order to cope. Jesus said, In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. Jesus has defeated the powers of darkness, and He actively supports everyone who trusts in His loving care. Jesus can give you patience, inner strength, and a purpose for going on. When you are friends with Jesus, you don’t need to escape reality by daydreaming.

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