Prayer (part four)
Pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Finding the right time and place to pray isn’t as big a challenge as you might think. Remember, God is everywhere; you don’t have to wait until you’re in church to speak with Him. That being said, keep these points in mind:
Prayer involves concentration—you don’t want to be distracted or have your mind wander while you’re communicating. Turn down the TV or radio; silence your cell phone and iPod. Try to find a place that’s away from the bustle of activity. I find that praying while in the shower or driving in the country or taking a walk are times that work out well. Some people like to pray in bed before going to sleep—this is fine, but beware drifting off before you wrap things up.
As busy as our lives get, time for prayer can be forgotten. It’s good to develop a routine where you pray in a certain place or at a set time each day. A good time is when you wake up or sip your morning coffee; you can start the day by asking the Lord to smooth out the rough spots and guide your decisions as they come up. Another good time is while preparing for bed; as you reflect on the mistakes and troubles of the day, you can find peace in Christ’s forgiveness and offer thanks for the help He gave you. Many people bow their heads in prayer before eating meals; it is good to remember that we only live because God takes care of us, and it’s an excellent time to join hands in prayer with others.
It’s also good to pray when problems rear their heads. Take a moment (or three) for prayer when you are faced with a tough decision. Pray with a friend or relative when they’ve shared something painful with you. Offer a prayer on behalf of those who might be hurt and those attending them when you hear a siren go by. Pray for restraint before you open your mouth in response to criticism, gossip, or an off-color joke.
And you ought to pray when feeling joyful. Thank God for the smell of fresh cut flowers or a deep blue sky. Tell Him how much you appreciate the man or woman you are married to when they pay you a compliment or do something thoughtful. Praise the Lord each time you feel cared for, and you will quickly see how prayer is something joyful.
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