Vibrant love
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).
What is the nature of love? Is it just a feeling of attraction, of affection and closeness, or is there something more?
Love must result in action or it is fatally stunted. Love can’t help but get involved in other people’s affairs, looking for some way to make their situation better. The apostle James writes, Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? (James 2:15-16) Love is not just a warm fuzzy glow in the heart; love is a drive to bring compassion and kindness into the life of another person, even if such involvement is messy and unpleasant.
True love is willing to stick its neck out whenever necessary. It’s willing to get out of bed at two a.m. to comfort a distressed child or go on an ambulance call. It is willing to sit at the bedside of someone confined to a hospital or nursing home. True love is willing to discipline a child, knowing that tears now will give way to mature behavior later on.
True love will give up anything, even life itself, for the sake of another. That’s what Christ did—demonstrated a love so committed to our welfare that He willingly suffered and died on the cross. We deserved God’s punishment for violating His commands. We bend His rules when they get in the way of what we want. We just plain forget about His laws in the heat of passion. Every day, we add to the mountain of guilt that results from our irresponsible behavior.
But Jesus cares for us with the kind of love that is willing to get its hands dirty. He left the glories of heaven to share in our mud-spattered lives here on earth. God the Father promises strict justice in response to sin, but His Son took that punishment in our place. He gave His life that we might find welcome in God’s magnificent kingdom, a joyful existence that will never come to an end.
True love is willing to give anything, even life itself, to make another person’s life better. Christ Jesus loves us this way. He laid down His life that we might live in His love.
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