Unconditional love?
If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love (John 15:10).
Is love conditional or is it unconditional? We struggle with this question in every relationship. We say that we will marry a partner for better or worse, yet half of all marital unions reach a point where problems overwhelm love and divorce is the result. The love between a parent and child should be unbreakable, yet there are times when children feel compelled to run away from home or are told they are no longer welcome there. It would seem that love is conditional, as much as we might want it otherwise.
God’s love is conditional too. I know that some of you might squirm at reading that, but it’s the truth. The Lord Almighty gives life to everyone, and loves all of humanity as His children. But Jesus says, If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love. That is a condition. Breaking God’s Law brings a terrible consequence—punishment in the pit of everlasting darkness.
You don’t show Christ love or respect by doing the opposite of what He commands. Jesus told us to honor God with our time and praise. He taught us to forgive those who cause us pain or make us mad. He urged us to make prayer an important part of our daily routine. He instructed us to show love to others by caring for them in times of need and introducing them to the Savior if they are living in unbelief. When we put these commands on the back burner, when we say and do things that cause hurt and tear down relationships, how can we remain in the love of Jesus?
The answer is found at the cross. On that awful instrument of suffering, Jesus paid the penalty incurred by all our transgressions. Through Him we are forgiven, held close in love despite our failures. He has taken our obligations upon Himself and fully satisfied every requirement of the Law we have failed to honor. The result? God now demands only one thing from us. In John chapter six the Son of God was asked, "What must we do, to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." That’s all. That’s all God demands as the condition for His affection. We can remain in Jesus’ love simply by holding Him close in our hearts and entrusting our lives to His care. Nothing is more important. There is no other way to have the joy of Christ within us, the undeserved gift that makes our joy complete.
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