Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid" (Matthew 14:27).

For Christians, Peter is one of the foundations of the Church.  A humble fisherman by trade, Peter was among the first called by Jesus to learn as a disciple and serve as an apostle.  When we think of Peter, we think of boldness and courage. When Jesus said come follow me, Peter left his former career behind without a moment’s hesitation (Matthew 4:9).  During a rough night at sea when Jesus came to their boat by walking on the water, Peter is the disciple who was prepared to jump over the side and approach the Savior in the midst of the storm. When Jesus asked His followers to put into words what they had learned from Him, Peter was the first to speak up: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16).  When a mob came to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter is the one who drew a weapon in the Lord’s defense.

But for all his bluster, Peter was not always a paragon of courage. The night when Jesus walked on water and Peter went out to meet him, the howling wind and choppy waves stole Peter’s confidence and he began to sink, even though the Son of God was visibly approaching.  The night of Jesus’ arrest, Peter abandoned His Lord when it became clear that armed resistance wasn’t going to work.  But worst of all was the three-fold betrayal later that night.  After John had gotten Peter into the courtyard near where Jesus was on trial for His life, he was put on the defensive by a string of people who fingered him as a known associate of the Savior.  Panicked at the thought of arrest, Peter denied having any kind of relationship with Jesus, even swearing by God to validate his claim.  It was only when the rooster crowed that Peter realized Jesus had been right to question his pledge of undying loyalty.  He met the dawn a broken man, face smeared with bitter tears of shame.

We understand giving in to fear when we should be courageous.  Jesus has called us to be His witnesses to a world that loves the darkness, yet we are hesitant to speak about our faith or stand up for what’s right when the chips are down.  Peter is an example for us that is both good and bad.  It’s comforting to know that nothing intimidates Jesus; even the agony promised by the cross did not turn Him from doing what had to be done—giving His life in our place so we might live forever through His sacrifice.  There are times when our courage fails us; thankfully, we know that when things get frightening the Savior of mankind is right there at our side to bring us safely through.

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