Quality care
I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Quality medical treatment is very important. Getting that treatment promptly is also very important.
Every week I get emails from online merchants offering cheap prices on bulk medicine.
I never take a chance on these offers—my health is too important to risk on a product of questionable safety. Yet there are people who do take this risk. There are people who are willing to undergo experimental treatments, even if that means going to a foreign country where medical standards are more lax than ours. For the sake of quick results or saving money, there are people who are willing to roll the dice with their long-term health.
There are also people who put off going in for a medical evaluation. Money might be a factor—they worry about paying the bill afterwards. Others are slow to see the doctor because they fear getting bad news about their condition. And there are people who interfere with good medical care by fibbing in the examining room. They might not want to admit to doing something dangerous, foolish, or illegal. They might exaggerate their symptoms because they crave attention. They might downplay how bad their symptoms are, hoping to avoid more tests or having to take a new prescription.
The thing is, delaying treatment for medical problems only makes things worse. The same is true when you are not honest with your physician. More often than not, the situation eventually gets so bad that you are forced to confront it. At that point, the problem will be harder to cure and will cost more to be successfully treated.
When it comes to our spiritual health, we also need care that is timely and of the highest quality. It makes no sense to risk your soul by consulting astrology charts or people that claim to be psychic; Jesus is the Great Physician of body and soul, and He is better qualified than anyone else to prescribe what you need—after all, He gave you life. It’s not a good idea to put off visiting with Him in prayer or worship; the sin that grows in you like cancer will only cause worse problems for you the longer it is left untreated. And be honest with Jesus about your faults; He wants to make you better, and He can tell when you are fibbing to Him anyway.
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