Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time to stand your ground?

See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it (Deuteronomy 12:32).

When is it appropriate to stand your ground? Society wants us to be flexible. After all, if we’re going to live together peacefully, don’t we have to make adjustments and allowances for each other? Some people are passive by nature; for them, giving in to others might not always be pleasant, but they know when to back down for the sake of peace. But others are more assertive; they know what they want, they know what’s right, and they won’t back down for anyone. But where does God weigh in on this? Does He want us to be passive or to stand up for ourselves?

In the Bible, God has said what He expects of us: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind (Luke 10:27). When it comes to our relationship with the Lord, there is no room for compromise. God demands our complete obedience. When we screw up, He expects us admit our mistakes and ask Jesus for mercy. We are to be His ambassadors, telling others about the love He offers through Christ and making sure that sin is clearly identified so that people can avoid it.

God also tells us how to get along with our fellow man: Love your neighbor as yourself. Expanding on this, Jesus said, Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you (Luke 6:37-38). When He gave us the Golden Rule (Luke 6:31), Jesus put it this way: Treat others as you want to be treated.

When should you stand your ground? When God’s truth is being obscured by lies or misunderstanding. But even then, God expects us to be respectful of others—since we are all sinners, no one is entitled to act superior.

When should you take a breath and stand down? Whenever God’s truth and law is not being challenged. As I said, we are all sinners. That means each of us is more likely to be wrong about something than right. Sin muddies clear thinking with selfishness, fear, prejudice, and a desire for fast and easy solutions. If something is not covered by God’s law, then it’s time for us to be flexible.

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