Worry and fear
Do not worry about your life (Luke 12:22).
People are worried about money. The recession has stolen retirement nest eggs. Health care costs are getting so high that many have to risk going uninsured. The profits of most businesses are down. Many have lost their jobs.
People are also worried about violence. For years now, our country has sent its sons and daughters into war zones where many are killed or crippled. Terrorists are a constant danger. Our prisons are so overcrowded that many criminals have to be released early.
People worry about our country losing its moral footings. Homosexual marriage is being legalized in many places. Churches are vandalized and burned down. People that we look to for leadership are caught doing terrible things.
There’s a lot of bad news out there, and there’s plenty for you to worry about. But worry and fear can lead to hasty decisions that are not for the best over the long run. Fear demands immediate action to stop things from getting worse, instead of allowing time to carefully think things through and look at the big picture. Worry and fear cause damage to the bodies’ health. Constant stress causes us to overeat or lose our appetite; it weakens the immune system and makes us vulnerable to health problems. Worry and fear steal happiness and peace of mind. Worry tempts you to believe that things will only get worse, not better.
Worry and fear are tools of the Devil. He wants us to fuss and fret. He wants us to make hasty decisions. He wants us to lose hope, to feel as if everything is going to hell and we are helplessly going along for the ride. When we let worry and fear dominate our lives, the Devil smiles with contentment, because he has achieved his goal—we’re not trusting God!
When you are tempted to worry, turn you cares over to Jesus. He said, Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me (John 14:1). He also said, In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Jesus never promised that life would be easy, but He did promise to be at our side always, if we trust Him.
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