It was just a little mistake
Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it (James 2:10).
It was just a little mistake. Usually, Roger had an amazing memory. If his wife said to get something from the store on the way home from work, he never forgot. He was ready with a gift for every birthday on the calendar. But the one thing he did forget was his wedding anniversary. It was just a little mistake, but Roger paid a heavy price for it.
It was just a little mistake. The company was putting a new satellite into orbit. Everything was tested and triple checked. But one small wire was loose, and during lift off the connection came apart. Once in orbit, the multi-million dollar satellite refused to work.
It was just a little mistake. Henry had trusted his accountant to do his taxes for over 20 years. But this year, Henry’s tax-man made just one a little mistake: he put a decimal point in the wrong place. Imagine Henry’s surprise when the IRS called to schedule a complete audit.
It was just a little mistake. Karen was driving home late at night after an exhausting day at work. Her cell phone started ringing; fumbling in the dark, she dropped it to the floor. When she looked back up, a deer was standing in the road not ten feet in front of her. It was just a little mistake, but Karen’s inattention to the road landed her in the hospital and her car at the junkyard.
It was just a little mistake. For a brief moment, we lose control, say something stupid, waste money on something that we can’t afford. We take one drink too many, we flirt with a stranger even though we’re married, we tell an off-color joke to someone who is easily offended. But we console ourselves with the thought that it was just a little mistake; no harm done, right?
Sadly, even little mistakes result in big consequences. There is no such thing as a small or harmless sin; God expects perfect behavior, and even the smallest failure provokes His anger and earns His punishment. Thankfully, Jesus died to forgive all sins; if you take your mistakes seriously, you will find refuge in His arms.
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