Your word is truth (John 17:17).
From ancient times, people have used stories to teach children about good morals. Kids don’t like to be lectured, but if a tale is interesting enough, they will absorb a lesson without even noticing. The story of Hansel and Gretel shows that greedy behavior is dangerous, and children should be careful of strangers. Star Wars teaches how easy it can be to fall to the dark side. Cinderella holds out hope that dreams really can come true. Harry Potter teaches the importance of friendship and education. The Beauty and the Beast warns us not to judge people based on their outward appearance. Spider-Man emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility.
But stories can teach other lessons, too. The Golden Compass tells children to be wary of authority and the church in particular. Although they were criminals, newspaper coverage of Bonnie and Clyde made them into celebrities. Grand Theft Auto sends the message that police officers are the enemy, and killing people who get in your way is no big deal.
Children are bombarded by stories—programs on TV, books at the library, movies in the theater. And they are not the only ones having their morals shaped by these forms of entertainment—you are as well. Adults don’t like to be lectured to, either. Adults are just as likely to change their views because of a story as children are. That’s why journalists film documentaries—a story can change more opinions than basic news reporting.
God understands how to get our attention. That’s why the Bible is filled with stories—stories of men and women and even children whose adventures teach us about God and ourselves, about right conduct and wrong conduct. These stories are fascinating, filled with triumph and tragedy, mighty deeds and incredible wonders. But there is one thing that sets these stories apart—they all really happened!
Sadly, most people look at the Bible as just a collection of fairy tales and morality plays. They dismiss the message because God often speaks to us through story. But God’s Word is true, every bit of it. It is the story of God and His people. It is a story that He wants you to hear.
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