Thursday, August 26, 2010


Jesus told him, "Follow me" (Matthew 8:22).

Most of us taking walking for granted. We hop out of bed and dash from room to room, getting ready for work or school. We jog for exercise, or take an evening stroll to relax after a stressful day. We seldom realize how much time we spend on our feet until they start aching in protest.

But we should not take walking for granted. Look at a little child learning to take his first steps; we’ve forgotten how tough a challenge it is. You must learn to crawl before you stand. You must endure many painful falls before you can walk with confidence.

Some people never get to walk, because of disability; others lose their mobility due to accident, disease, or the weakness of old age. Anyone with mobility problems will tell you how frustrating life can be. Going places is time consuming; even a simple everyday task around the house can turn into a major project.

We take our legs and feet for granted; because we can move quickly and easily, we often charge off into trouble. A person who struggles with getting around plans her activities carefully; people with no such limitations often act without thinking. How often have your feet taken you someplace that you shouldn’t be? A party where drunken behavior leads to fights or hurt feelings? A room at a ‘no-tell motel’? A casino that sucks the last dollars from your wallet?

Most parents dread the day when their baby turns into a toddler; when the child is upright and moving, nothing in the house is safe. When we get our feet under us, trouble is easy to find.

This is why Jesus urges us to follow Him. If we wander through life aimlessly, our feet will bring us to disaster. We need Jesus to give our movement direction and purpose. We need His comfort when life pulls the rug out from under us. We need His courage when we have to go someplace that frightens us. We need His strength when we feel as if we can’t take another step. When we walk with Jesus, He will give everything we need to stay at His side, walking through life with a spring in our step.

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