A perfect future
"I am making all things new!" (Revelation 21:5)
I’ve always enjoyed the various series of Star Trek. I like the characters and their relationships. I am fascinated by the alien cultures. I enjoy watching adventures that boggle my mind with new concepts and take me to wondrous places. But there has always been one aspect of Star Trek that I find hard to believe. I’m not talking about the technology—for all I know, artificial gravity, warp drive and teleporters might all be possible someday. What I have a hard time with is the earth of Star Trek’s future—a world where planet-wide peace has been achieved and poverty has been eliminated. That is truly a work of fiction.
Why do I believe this? Because of what Jesus has told us about the future. Will the earth ever know peace? Speaking of the last days before His return, the Lord said: When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things are inevitable (Mark 13:7). Jesus warns us that warfare and international saber rattling will always be a part of the human experience here on earth. And as for bringing an end to poverty, Jesus told His disciples: You will always have the poor among you (John 12:8).
There will always be international conflict, and there will always be people who are suffering in need. This isn’t pessimism, this is simply acknowledging human nature. Humans are sinful; we want to have our own way, whatever the cost. Those who can get away with it will hoard things for themselves, leaving others in need. Those who meet opposition in pursuing their goals will get angry and turn to violence, if necessary, to get their own way. Our sinful nature makes poverty and war inevitable.
We can give thanks that Jesus came into our evil world to start the process of setting things right. Jesus paid the price of human injustice by being convicted for our sins and being sentenced to death for our crimes. His sacrifice on our behalf offers forgiveness and escape from being helpless pawns to our sinful desires. Jesus helps us set aside rage and selfishness, moves us instead to acts of love and charity. And when the Lord returns to bring this present age to an end, the only ones He will allow to live on His new earth will be those He has forever cleansed from sin, children of God who love peace and love sharing God’s gifts. The perfect future earth of Star Trek is not a fantasy, but it won’t arrive until Jesus delivers it.
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