Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Respecting God's name

The LORD will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name (Exodus 20:7).

When I was a young child, one mean kid at school came up with a nickname for me that I hated. Of course, most of the other kids immediately picked up on that nickname and started using it. Before the nickname, I had felt like a stranger among the other kids; once they started using the nickname I felt as if they were all against me, as if we were enemies.

"Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me." What a fib that is! Calling someone by a derogatory name can be very hurtful; it can destroy self-confidence, cause isolation, even provoke feelings of anxiety. Verbal abuse can result in emotional hurt that is even more damaging than the bruises caused by physical abuse. Words that denigrate other people are so harmful that a whole movement has grown up in our culture in response to the problem—we call it ‘Political Correctness.’ People are increasingly sensitive to any comments that seem to insult another person.

Isn’t it funny, then, that our Lord’s name is given less and less respect these days? On the various home improvement TV shows, when a refurbished living space is revealed the owner almost always squeals "O God!" as if God’s name is little more than an exclamation point. At work and in school hallways, angry people say "Jesus Christ" as if the Savior’s name is a curse word.

When I hear God’s name used inappropriately, I am reminded of being taunted with a nickname designed to humiliate me. Misusing someone’s name is only done to show disrespect. The name ‘Jesus’ means "God saves;" Jesus’ name describes who He is. To use that name as a curse word not only insults the Lord, but also insults the work He suffered and died to complete—rescuing your soul and mine from God’s punishment in hell. Hardly anyone today would dare make fun of Allah or his prophet Muhammad. No public figure can get away with telling ethnic jokes lest he risk losing his leadership role for being ‘insensitive’. So why is it acceptable to kick around God’s name like a dirty football? Is it wise to insult the One who made you, the Redeemer who shed His blood to buy you back from Satan’s ownership? Jesus said, I'll tell you whom to fear. Fear God, who has the power to kill people and then throw them into hell (Luke 12:5).

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