Home decoration
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us (John 1:14).
What kinds of pictures are hanging on your walls? What sorts of things are arranged for decoration on your shelves? What types of reading material lie on your coffee table? Your living space speaks volumes about who you are. A love of farm life might be revealed by a collection of ceramic chickens or toy tractors. A home filled with pictures of lighthouses and model sailing ships shows a fascination for the ocean. Heaps of books scattered on every available surface indicate a love for reading. The wall of my grandmother’s living room was covered with pictures of relatives, demonstrating her love of family.
What does your living space reveal about the things that are important to you? As you mull this over, I’d like you to reflect on this: where is Jesus in your home? A cross can remind you of the terrible sacrifice Jesus made to win you for His own; do you have a cross on display where you can easily see it? A picture of Jesus carrying a little lamb can remind you how our Good Shepherd guards us, cares for us, and leads us through a scary and confusing world. Do you have a picture on the wall that reminds you of Jesus’ loving care for you? The Bible is our Lord’s personal message to you, a collection of letters and poems that tell you how precious you are to Him; it is also an expression of His wisdom, given to help you see clearly when life is confusing. Is your Bible someplace that is within easy reach?
Having visible evidence of Jesus in your home is a part of your Christian witness. To let someone into your private space is a bit like letting them into your heart; that’s why people are generally reluctant to let strangers through the door. To be invited into a person’s home is a privilege, because you are being allowed a look at who they really are inside. This is why displaying your faith visibly in your home is so important; it not only reminds you of who you are—a forgiven child of God—but it also reveals this important truth to your guests. I’m sure there have been times when you showed off something you were proud of—a shelf of antique toys, a collection of sports memorabilia, a piece of fine art. But have you ever pointed proudly to a decorative cross and said, "This cross is so beautiful! It reminds me every day that Jesus loves me and is willing to forgive me!" Have you ever offered your Bible to a guest and told them, "You’ve just got to read this book! It’s the best book I’ve ever read! It’s changed my life entirely!"
What does your living space say about you? Where is Jesus in your home?
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