Thursday, September 27, 2007

Help to do the impossible

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).

It was an unusual sight. There on a street in Vienna stood an old man playing a violin. His youth and health had been given to his country through long years of military service; now, in order to earn a meager living for himself, the veteran was reduced to making music for pedestrians in exchange for coins tossed into an upturned cap lying at his feet.

The day came when the old soldier’s hands trembled so severely that he could no longer play his instrument. A passer-by stopped and said, "Friend, you are too old and too feeble—give me your violin." Reluctantly, the request was granted. Then the stranger placed the violin under his chin and began to play—play so beautifully that soon a crowd gathered around the two men. Coins poured into the soldier’s tattered hat. The new violinist emptied the money into the old man’s pocket and resumed playing, more sweetly than before. Again the hat was filled with money, which was turned over to the veteran. The stranger finally handed the musical instrument back to its owner and continued on his way.

"Who was that? Who is he?" the bystanders asked. Someone exclaimed, "Why, that is Bucher, the great violinist." And so it was. The master violinist had taken the man’s place; he had stood with the old soldier in his poverty, shared his public disgrace, played his music for the old man’s benefit and earned his living for him. Bucher made a sacrifice for that aged veteran, a sacrifice motivated by nothing but love.

This is what Jesus has done for us. He looked down from heaven and saw how we humans struggle with lives of poverty and disgrace. Sin makes us morally bankrupt; every day we disgrace ourselves by allowing unkind words slip from our mouths and by letting impure motives dictate our actions. Such a life offers no joy for today or hope for the future. So Jesus came down to our world to stand with us in our poverty and disgrace. He did the work that we were too feeble to do—He lived a life that was perfect in every respect, a life that has drawn and continues to draw countless people to listen to His words with joy and amazement. Then, on the cross, He suffered the torments of hell in our place and died, only to rise again on the third day; through His death and resurrection, Jesus brightens our tomorrows with the hope of everlasting life and joy. And He made this sacrifice for one reason only—His great love for you and me.

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