Soul calluses
Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope (Romans 5:3-4).
One wonders if Franklin Roosevelt would have ascended to the presidency if he had not had to struggle with polio. That apparent tragedy helped make him into the man that he became. Someone once asked him how he could remain so patient through the bitter and vicious attacks brought against him by the press and radio commentators. Roosevelt simply replied, "Brother, if you had spent two years learning how to wiggle your big toe, you would learn what patience is, too."
Life is full of struggles. Sometimes we enjoy the challenge—most athletes gain more satisfaction from a narrow, hard-fought win than from an easy, blowout victory. But when struggles drag on and on, when we can see only faint hope for overcoming a problem, then all fun drains from the challenge. We whine and complain, acting like children waiting for someone to rescue us; we get angry and bitter, lashing out at those around us to make them join us in feeling miserable; we get depressed, giving up trying to find a solution and pulling away from those we love.
God teaches us that times of struggle are also times of opportunity. Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Hard work results in pain as calluses form, but those calluses protect you from future pain and allow you to work with less fear of getting hurt. What is true of your body is also true of your personality.
It works this way: you find yourself in a rough spot, and you desperately pray to God to see you through. When things get better, you thank God for bringing relief. When the next problem comes along, you can face it with a better attitude, knowing that since God got you through before, you can be confident that He will do so again. Experience will show you that sometimes God delivers you quickly, while other times require that you wait; this teaches you to not give up during a lingering period of trials, because you know that however long it takes, God will bring brighter days. With such confidence, you are less and less likely to respond to times of suffering with whining or bitterness or depression; through these hard times God is growing protective calluses on your soul so that you can work hard, living a life of giving love, without suffering devastating hurt. If you let Him, God will use the tough times of your life to build your character.
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