Monday, April 23, 2007

Did God make me this way?

You are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48).

"I can’t help it—God made me this way." Have you ever used this excuse? Every day, more Americans are resorting to it. "I can’t help it that I’ve got a quick temper—God made me this way." "I can’t help it that I’ve got a wandering eye—God made me this way." "I can’t help it that I’m gay—God made me this way."

But is God really the one responsible for your shortcomings? Can you blame God for the fact that you enjoy committing sins? Impossible—God is perfect. In fact, not only is He perfect, He expects us to be perfect too. Jesus said, you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.

God’s design for you was perfect. But each of us had imperfect, sinful parents, and we inherited their imperfection much as one inherits a genetic disorder. That inherited sin distorted God’s perfect design. God intended that you be firm—it was sin that made you stubborn. God intended that you be spontaneous—it was sin that gave you a hair-trigger temper. God intended that you have a sense of humor—it was sin that made you sarcastic. God intended that you have an appreciation for beauty—it was sin that made you a skirt-chaser. God intended that you seek intimacy—it was sin that made you gay.

One thing is true—if Jesus isn’t living in your heart, you can’t help but sin. God’s perfect design can never be realized in your life unless you reject your imperfections and welcome Jesus’ efforts to remake you in His image. This is why Jesus came to earth—He came to restore the perfection that sin had destroyed. He lived the perfect life that we cannot, and He died the death that we deserved for enjoying our imperfections. Our Lord did this for you because He loves you, and He doesn’t want to see you made miserable by sin here in life or after death in hell.

We cannot achieve the perfection God had in mind for us during our time on earth. But with Jesus taking charge of our lives, we need not be helplessly enslaved by our sinful impulses and passions. God did not create us for a life as sinners; He created us to live as His devoted friends and followers. You can’t blame God for your shortcomings, but you can thank Him for sharing His perfection with you.

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