Angels and demons
Surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants (Hebrews 2:16).
Many people are obsessed with angels. They collect angel figurines and artwork. Some of their favorite movies feature angels as characters. They might pray to one angel or another for protection. Some find comfort in believing that a wonderful person who recently died has now become an angel in heaven.
Angels are spirits that have no bodies—God created them that way. Some chose to rebel against the Lord and were cast out of heaven, never to return—we call these fallen angels demons and devils. But no angel, good or bad, ever started life as a human being. Although they can appear like people, they are not like us. Some angels have appeared on earth in human form; others have been seen in visions as strange and unworldly. Since these spirits can show themselves however they wish, it would not surprise me that some demons might trick us by appearing as ghosts of people that we long to see for just one more time.
Angels are very powerful—demons have been known to possess people, cause sickness, even trigger violent weather. Good angels are sent by God to protect us from harm; Jesus said that every child has an angel looking out for them. But despite their great power, angels are not to be worshiped or prayed to. When the apostle John considered doing so, the angel before him said Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all who keep the words of this book. Worship God! (Revelation 22:9) In fact, this is what Satan wants from us—our worship and praise. He tried to get Jesus to worship him, bringing this stern rebuke from our Lord: Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only' (Matthew 4:10).
Some people have the mistaken idea that Satan is in charge of hell; they think of the devil as a warden, while his demons serve as jailers and torturers. But that’s not what the Bible says. Hell was created to hold and punish the fallen angels for their many crimes against God and humanity. Imagine how terrible a place must be that can even make Satan cry out in pain and despair! Praise God that we have mercy through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Christ gave His life to spare us from the punishment that our sins deserve; Jesus made our forgiveness possible, meaning that when we die, the angels who have been with us every day will gently lift our souls to heaven and bring us to our waiting Savior.
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