The ripened fruit of our youth
Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God (Leviticus 19:32).
In our society, elderly people often don’t get the respect which they deserve. Our attention is more focused on those who are young, attractive, athletic. But God demands respect for those who are older than us. One of the Commandments says, honor your father and your mother. The third book of Moses tells us to stand in the presence of our elders as a gesture of respect. God rules and directs our lives, and that leadership is typically through people who have more experience than we have.
One way of showing respect to our elders is by being patient. Older people need a bit longer to get things done because their bodies are slowing down. We show them honor by letting them take their time instead of rushing them or just pushing them to the side and doing things ourselves. When the elderly begin to lose their independence, we show respect by carefully seeing to their needs. God takes good care of us and expects that we look after each other with similar diligence. And we show respect for the elderly by not taking them for granted. God hates it when we ignore Him; you cannot show love and respect without an investment of time. It is not right that many seniors approach the end of life having only doctors and nurses for companionship. God values all people regardless of their age; He certainly cannot be pleased with our youth-obsessed culture.
We live in a time where some of the elderly are seen as burdens on family and the economy. The Hemlock Society urges seniors to think about ending their lives to preserve resources for future generations. But the older we get, the more valuable we become. True, advanced age takes away our strength, speed and stamina, but look at what is gained in exchange. Wisdom. Patience. Perspective. Old people are a reservoir of life experience for those who are willing to make time and listen. I’m of the opinion that age also gives you a greater appreciation for God. You can look back at decades of life and see how the Lord brought you through one difficulty after another that seemed insurmountable at the time. When you realize that death is not far off anymore, you get hungry for the comfort offered by Jesus, who died to forgive every sin committed throughout the years, and rose from the dead with the promise of eternal life for all who follow Him. Growing old is a privilege because the elderly have so much to offer. They are not a burden to be dealt with; they are the ripened fruit of our youth.
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