Thursday, January 10, 2013


Be patient and stand firm (James 5:8).

These past few years we’ve seen Washington struggle with the idea of compromise.  Politics is supposed to be the art of negotiation, but these days people on both the left and the right seem unwilling to find a middle ground which they can both accept.   

When is compromise appropriate and when should you dig in your heels?  For the Christian it comes down to a simple question: does the word of God have anything to say on the subject?  If compromise would lead to a situation that opposes God’s holy will, then giving ground is not an option.  As far as anything else goes, negotiation is certainly appropriate.  After all, the Bible says be patient with everyone…always try to be kind to each other (1 Thessalonians 5:14-15)

Negotiation and compromise start in the home.  Wedding vows used to include the bride promising to obey her husband, but these words have fallen by the wayside.  This is because married couples don’t honor and respect each other the way God intended.  The LORD did not give any husband the right to boss his wife around.  However, God does hold the man of the house responsible for keeping his family on the straight and narrow.  If there is discussion of cheating on a tax return, the head of the family is expected to put his foot down and say absolutely not.  If there are family members who don’t want to attend worship, God expects the man to lead by personal example and patient instruction.  Families should run on compromise as much as possible, but when it comes to matters of right and wrong our LORD holds the man of the house accountable for standing firm, even though he might take some flack for it.

How can you be sure when compromise is the right thing to do?  Knowing what God says certainly makes things easier.  If you read the New Testament, especially the first half of it or so, you will have a pretty good idea of God’s views on right and wrong.  If reading the Bible is hard to get done, attend church frequently—there you can hear God’s message in bite-sized chunks and hear it explained.  Prayer is also important.  Too often we make snap decisions when it would be better to listen carefully and then take a time out for telling God that you’re confused and need His guidance.  Remember that you and I are sinners—what we strongly want to do may very well be the wrong way to go.

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