Summer for the soul
God turns my darkness into light (Psalm 18:28).
Most of us don’t enjoy winter weather. When it’s cold and dark outside, it makes you want to curl up someplace cozy and take a nap. It’s hard to get out of bed; it takes considerable effort to bundle up and head outdoors.
Winter weather makes everything take longer. You have to be careful walking, lest you slip on the ice. A car exposed to the elements must have the glass scraped off before you get on your way. Even a short walk outside demands an extra layer of clothing before you go out the door.
Cold temperatures make us realize how great summer is. When it’s warm and sunny, you’ve got all kinds of energy; when it’s cold and overcast, it’s hard to get excited about much of anything.
Our world is locked in a long winter of sin. This dismal weather pattern started thousands of years ago when our ancestors rebelled against God and were barred from paradise. Sin makes life cold and dark. It’s difficult to warm up to others. It’s hard to get excited about anything that takes us out of the cozy little nest that we build for ourselves. It’s tough to find the energy needed to go out and tackle the problems in our world that need to be addressed—far easier to curl up and hope that someone else will take care of things. What we need is a taste of summer. We need the energy and enthusiasm that come with days that are bright, long and warm.
Jesus brings that warmth. Jesus shines with that light. He overcomes the darkness of sin with the beautiful radiance of truth and purity. He takes hearts that are numbed with cold selfishness and warms them with His love. As a result, we are energized to get moving and share His warmth with others through words and acts of kindness.
You don’t have to shiver in the darkness; you don’t have to go through endless days with no enthusiasm for life. Jesus offers you never-ending summer—regardless of the problems around you, He provides light and warmth for your soul. And when you are glowing with His love, you find yourself doing things that have long term value.
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