Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Into your hands I commit my spirit (Psalm 31:5).

Since a spirit doesn’t have a body, what can it do exactly?  To answer that question, we need to consider three types of spirits.

The spirit you were born with was designed to work in tandem with a body.  When a person dies, the spirit that survives has no ability to influence this world any longer—it goes immediately to heaven for peace and rest, or to hell for righteous punishment. 

God also created spirits that would never have bodies.  These angels, along with their fallen counterparts, were given abilities that our spirits don’t need since we have bodies.  Spirits of heaven and demons of hell can make themselves visible and audible if they wish.  They can whisper to a human mind without uttering a sound, and they can have a tangible impact on our world.  In fact, these beings of pure spirit are far more powerful than we are.  We are right to fear what a demon can do; we can take comfort in being protected by angels who are assigned to us by God.

The Spirit of God, however, is in a class by Himself.  The Holy Spirit is God—all knowing, eternal, all-powerful, and everywhere present.  He is equal to the Father and the Son in every way.  Unlike created spirits, He is pure and incorruptible. 

But despite their differences, all spirits have this in common—each has a personality, a distinct identity unique in all creation.  Every spirit has emotions.  Every spirit has a moral outlook on issues of right and wrong.  Every spirit has memories.  Every spirit longs for loving relationships.  This is true for us, for angels, even for the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps most comforting of all, every spirit is immortal.  Bodies die, but the soul lives forever.  There will never be a time when you cease to exist—death does not obliterate who you are.  Of course, eternal life is not a blessing for everyone.  Those sent to hell because they lived apart from Christ?  They will go on forever too—alone in the darkness, wracked with pain and regret and hopelessness.  Only Jesus offers the kind of eternal life that takes away our fear of death.

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