Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gratitude (part 3)

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

There are real benefits to developing an ‘attitude of gratitude.’ For one thing, being grateful encourages a positive outlook on life. There is so much bad news pressing in on us from every side. Schools are under-funded and plagued with bullying. Jobs are scarce and insurance is expensive. Your stuff can be stolen if you don’t lock up before you leave. People lie and cheat and take advantage of you. And we haven’t even gotten to the evening news.

Bad news can make you sad, fearful, and depressed. When this happens, your immune system is weakened; it becomes easy to get sick and takes longer to recover. You lose interest in things that used to make you smile. Getting a good night’s sleep becomes harder and harder. When the cares of life get you down, it damages you both physically and mentally.

This is one reason why having an ‘attitude of gratitude’ is so important. When you make a habit of appreciating the good in life, you will be constantly surprised by all the pleasant things clamoring for your attention. A hectic morning can take on a pleasant glow when you take a moment to appreciate the smell wafting from your coffee cup. Road construction is less aggravating when you notice a favorite song playing on the radio. When you give someone a little compliment, not only do they light up, it lifts your spirits as well.

Remember that God has said, never will I leave you, never will I forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). When you are actively looking for evidence of God’s loving activity, you’ll see things that on other days would escape your attention completely. When an ambulance races by, you can thank God for sending help to someone who needs it. When the kids are chasing around the house, you can thank the LORD for giving you these precious little ones to hug and care for. When you see a lovely sunset, you can thank the Creator for giving you a moment of beauty before the darkness settles in.

Being positive is good for you, both physically and mentally. Do yourself a favor, and thank the LORD as He cares for you each day. When you are on the lookout for God’s kindness in your life, you are sure to notice it.

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