The devil (part 1)
Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).
Most people in the world believe in some sort of god—a higher power who created the universe. But far less believe in the devil, despite all the misery that everyone has to contend with. Some believe that evil is just another name for chaos and misfortune; others say that evil is the result of humanity gone wrong.
It surprises me that so many are reluctant to believe in Satan. Every world religion up to modern times has included one or more gods of darkness, beings that found delight in stirring up trouble and causing misery on earth. But for some reason, most people today no longer fear attack by satanic forces.
In part, it may be a result of advances in science. A psychologist is not going to diagnose his patient as being possessed by an evil spirit; instead of seeking a religious solution, the therapist will prescribe powerful drugs to keep wild behavior under control. I wonder how many times medicine has been used to mask symptoms of something that is not really a psychological problem.
Many believe that humans are born morally neutral; they learn to be good or evil as a result of their upbringing. This idea is attractive, because it holds the promise of building a perfect society if we just educate our children properly. Belief in a terrible agent of darkness, whose only goal is to corrupt us, throws a monkey wrench in building a perfect world. How do you train children to fight an unseen enemy? It’s far easier to just dismiss the devil as nothing more than a bogeyman.
The most dangerous enemy is the one who hides in plain sight. We all live in fear of terrorists who walk unnoticed in our streets; anonymity is their greatest weapon. So it is with Satan; he can do far more damage if no one recognizes him as a legitimate threat.
Don’t be fooled. Satan is real. He has you targeted in his crosshairs. He wants to strip away everything that gives life value—faith and hope, trust and compassion, generosity and peace. Don’t give the devil an easy target; know your enemy and be on your guard always.
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