Uncomfortable with religion
I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong (Romans 1:11).
Religion makes a lot of people uncomfortable. They don’t like going into churches. They change the channel to avoid religious programming. They get quiet whenever religion comes up in conversation.
Some people react this way because they had a bad experience with religion. Maybe they had a harsh relative who always criticized them, saying that God could never love someone who behaved like they did. Maybe their mom and dad used to fight about religion and eventually got divorced.
Other people avoid religion because they are afraid of change. Even if life is less than satisfying, they are reluctant to make any major alterations. They fear that Christianity will push them to give up favorite habits and pleasures. They worry that if they visit a church, they will be pestered to join.
And some people dislike religion because they associate it with death. For them, church is where you go when someone has died. The only time they see a preacher is when he’s standing next to a coffin. For such people, fear of death becomes fear of religion.
What a sad thing, to be uncomfortable with religion. The reason that God reaches out to us is to make our lives better. Through the church, God the Father offers us a place where we can belong, even when we are short on friends or relatives. Through the Bible, Jesus shows us how to forgive, how to love, and how to work together for the good of all. And when death steals life from us, the Spirit of God gives us the comfort of heaven, a place of peace and happiness that God opens to everyone who trusts in Christ as their Savior.
Religion is God’s gift to you. Church is a place of refuge and a place of recharging. The Bible is God’s personal message to you, a book that gives guidance and hope when you are confused and sad. I hope that whatever has kept you away, you will give religion another chance. Only Jesus can satisfy your deepest needs; don’t keep Him at a distance any longer.
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