Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Making the most out of winter days

God turns my darkness into light (Psalm 18:28).

The weather has turned cold. The days are short and the nights are long. There are no major holidays coming up. There are times when it can be hard to get out of bed.

At this time of the year, it’s easy to slip into depression. But you can take steps to stay positive and energized. Get as much sunlight as you can. Open the curtains and window blinds. Go snowmobiling. Try to shovel snow before it gets dark.

It’s good to stay active. Bundle up and take walks; if you’re afraid of slipping on the ice, do your walking in a mall or recreation center. Go skiing or ice-skating.

It’s also good to keep your mind sharp. Read a good book. Try out a new hobby that can be done indoors. Work on a project in your garage or your basement.

Unfavorable weather can be good for relationships. Spend more time together as a family. Reestablish contact with old friends and distant relatives. Adopt a puppy or kitten.

This is an excellent time to grow closer to Jesus. Going to worship gets you out of the house and lifts your spirits. At church, you hear the Good News that God loves you, Jesus forgives you, and the Holy Spirit helps you. At church, your spirit is gladdened by music that is beautiful and inspiring. At church, Christ touches you personally with His body and blood through Holy Communion. At church, you are surrounded by fellow Christians who need you just as much as you need them.

But if you’re stuck at home because of health issues or the weather, no worries. God speaks to you through His Bible. God listens to you through prayer. You can watch worship services on TV and listen to devotions on the radio. There are clergymen like me who would be happy to come and visit you, if you’d like.

Winter can be a depressing time if you hide under the covers or watch too much television. Don’t let that happen! This can be a season of personal growth and happiness; let Jesus show you how.

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