Thursday, August 12, 2010


Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD (Psalm 33:12).

What does it mean to be a patriot? A patriot is loyal to his country. A patriot respects America’s heritage and wants the best for her nation’s future.

But people who love America often get into fights, calling each other ‘unpatriotic.’ Some think that criticizing anything about our country is disloyal and disrespectful; others believe that America can made even better if we are willing to admit past mistakes and change how we do things in the future. Some believe that America should lead the world, using force if necessary; others feel that our nation should lead by example, preferring negotiation and diplomacy over intimidation or the threat of war.

So long as your goal is making America the best it can be, you are a patriot. But our country is filled with people who are not patriotic. This includes individuals who criticize America but aren’t willing to roll up their sleeves to make things better. This includes those who shut their eyes to America’s faults and refuse to even discuss making changes. The unpatriotic members of our country include folks who are bigots, treating non-Americans as inferior, even though our Constitution and Bill of Rights acknowledge the equality of all mankind. The unpatriotic also include those who want us to give up that which makes America special for the sake of harmony with other cultures.

Patriotism is dangerous if it does not look at the world with eyes wide open. The Bible teaches us an unpleasant truth—all mankind is sinful. Jesus said that poverty and war will always be a part of the human condition. Our nation was founded by sinners. Our government is operated by sinners. Sinners have control of our nuclear arsenal. Sinners have control of our news agencies and economy. The same is true in every other country as well. Some lands are more Christian, others less, but every nation needs God’s help to keep it from making costly mistakes.

A true patriot prays for his country. He wants the laws of the land to be in harmony with God’s holy will. A true patriot knows that you cannot use evil methods to establish something good. She is dedicated to making America better by doing things right. To be a patriot, you must be aware of evil wherever it is, and be willing to fight against it.

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