Is the future preordained?
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him (John 3:36).
Let’s talk about fate.
Some people talk as if the future is set in stone. Some look for the job they were born to do. Others wonder about their purpose in life. Romantics look for their one true love.
Some believe that their future is decided on the day of their birth. They might say, "I was born this way" as if change is impossible. Others make decisions about the best way forward according to their birth sign—they believe that their future is written in the stars.
It can be reassuring, believing that the future is all mapped out. You can say, "everything happens for a reason" and find comfort during a time of tragedy. But some resent being chained to destiny; they rebel against any suggestion that the future is preordained. They want the freedom to choose their own path, instead of dancing helplessly like a puppet while someone else pulls the strings.
I don’t believe that the future is written in stone. I don’t believe that birth determines the course of one’s life. God does not dictate our actions. We see it already in the Garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve what the rules were, but He did not stop them from disobeying. Sadly, they made a terrible choice that has tainted every one of us with imperfection and a rebellious streak.
There are only two absolutes in the universe—God’s justice and God’s love. His justice demanded punishment in hell for all lawbreakers. His love offered us a way to escape that awful destiny. God’s Son suffered as our substitute; our assured punishment was shifted over to Him. By Jesus’ sacrifice, we are permitted escape from an unhappy fate.
But God does not force His Son upon us. While He offers salvation, He permits us to reject it. Jesus reaches down from heaven to lift you up, but He lets you swat away the offer of help if you’d rather die than live. God is no puppet master. He loves you, but He doesn’t force you to love Him back. He offers you eternal happiness, but you can reject it if you’re really not interested.
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