Working for a better future
What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? (Matthew 16:26)
A lot of people are environmentally conscious these days. But is living ‘green’ the most important thing that you can do?
What about curing disease? Cancer is still a major health problem. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. Millions are infected with AIDS. Instead of spending money on ‘going green’, shouldn’t those dollars be spent on medical research?
What about war and terrorism and ethnic cleansing? Each year, uncounted numbers of people are forced from their homes, blown up, or gunned down because someone wants them gone. Instead of spending money on achieving a sustainable lifestyle, shouldn’t those dollars be spent on building the military?
What about public education? Our country’s future as a world leader depends on the minds of our youth, yet many kids drop out of school before graduation, college is becoming almost impossible to afford, and kids in other countries consistently outpace ours in math and science. Instead of spending money on reducing our carbon footprint, shouldn’t those dollars be spent on making our schools better and more affordable?
Most important of all, what about those who don’t know Jesus Christ? Over 2/3 of the world’s population has no idea that when they die, they will suffer in hell forever because Jesus has not forgiven their sins. What good will it be for a man, Jesus asks, if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? If we devote ourselves to saving the world but ignore the souls dying all around us, what kind of response can you and I expect from Jesus when summoned to meet Him face to face?
God put us on earth to serve Him and care for each other. It’s important to use our resources wisely. It’s important to minimize waste, fight disease, work for peace, and educate our children. But there is nothing more important than having a good relationship with Jesus. Do you support mission work with your wallet? Do you pray for your religious leaders? Do you invite others to join you in worshipping Christ, the Savior of mankind? If you want to make the world a better place, this is where to start.
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