Getting a great deal
There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).
Buying a new car can be a wonderful experience. There are so many choices worth considering; it is fun trying to decide which vehicle is best for you. You have your pick of size, color, performance, and extra features—the decision is up to you. The sales staff also make you feel good—their attention is focused on you and how to make you happy. And when the deal is struck, you get to drive off the lot in a car that makes you feel special. You can’t wait to show off your new purchase to everyone you know.
Some people treat religion like they treat car ownership. After a while they get bored with their church; they want something different, something new and exciting, something that makes them feel special. So they go church shopping. They exmine buildings, songbooks, and preachers. They are curious to see which congregations make them feel welcome. They evaluate worship services for content that appeals to them.
But you cannot shop for religion like you shop for a car. When you look for a car, it’s all about you and your needs. When you look for God, it’s about establishing a relationship with the King of the Universe. Our world is filled with many different religions, but there is only one Supreme Being, and He is accessible solely through His Son. You cannot negotiate a deal with Him—salvation is on His terms, not yours. Thankfully, God offers you an incredible deal—He is willing to give you eternal life and unending happiness for free. No payment is needed; if you would like to make any financial contributions, that’s up to you as a way to show your gratitude. But there is a contract to sign; God expects a commitment from you. The terms are these: Love God so much that you would never do anything to make Him angry. If you are in breech of contract, ask His Son Jesus to forgive you. Pray to God daily; thank Him for His gifts and ask Him to help you deal with problems. In exchange, God will give you peace of mind, protect you from being destroyed by evil, and bless you with eternal happiness in paradise.
There is only one God and Jesus is His representative, the only one authorized to close on a deal. And what a deal He offers you! Sign the contract prepared by Jesus, a contract sealed with His holy blood. Then go brag to your friends about what a great deal you got. Refer them to Christ, so they can all get the same great deal.
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