Tips on how to share your faith
He who listens to you listens to me (Luke 10:16).
How do you share Jesus with other people? Let me suggest a couple of ideas.
A lot of people spend time communicating through the Internet. It’s a place where you can feel comfortable speaking with complete strangers. Chat rooms and message boards are great places to share your faith. For example, a while back I was reading a series of posts about a Muslim woman who wanted to give her life purpose by being a suicide bomber. The posters could not understand how anyone could think that way, prompting a discussion about religion. One person suggested that we would all be better off without religion, because if you believe in heaven, life on earth becomes easier to give up. I replied to that comment, saying that Jesus died to forgive our sins; as a result, we not only have heaven in the future, but life is also worth living today. This post prompted two other Christians to also speak of their belief in Jesus as God’s Son and our Savior.
Personal hardship can also be a good time for sharing your faith. You might have a colleague who has lost his job. You might have a friend who is considering divorce. You might have a relative who has been diagnosed with cancer. These kinds of situations raise all sorts of concerns. How will I make ends meet? Can I forgive someone who’s hurt me deeply? How can I face death and what comes after? If you care about your colleague, your friend, your relative, then you want to help. The best way you can do this is to pray for them. Pray that God would help them cope with the stress and give them peace of mind. Pray that God’s Spirit would point them in the right direction, so they don’t waste precious time stuck motionless in depression. And do something else—tell them that you are praying for them. Ask them to share their emotional pain with you. Tell them about a time when you didn’t know what to do, and how Christ got you through. Share some favorite Bible verses that have spoken to your heart, and ask if it’s all right to pray out loud while the two of you are sitting together or talking on the phone. And don’t let this be just a one time conversation; whenever the two of you visit, invite Christ to participate in your conversation.
Jesus said, He who listens to you listens to me. When an opportunity comes along to speak about Jesus, don’t let it slip away unused; there are many people who need the gift of God’s love that you carry in your heart.
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