What's the big deal about forgiveness?
Be holy, because I the LORD your God, am holy (Leviticus 19:2).
Why do you need to be forgiven? That’s what Christians always talk about—the need to be forgiven. But what’s the big deal?
Part of it has to do with guilt. Every one of us has reason to feel guilty—we break promises, we say hurtful things, we ignore people who need our attention. Carrying guilt around can be exhausting and depressing. Guilt can make your heart shut down, cutting you off from others. Guilt can even drive some people to suicide.
Forgiveness takes away your guilt. Forgiveness cuts the chains that tie you to past mistakes. Forgiveness gives you a future that’s worth living for.
Another reason that forgiveness is necessary has to do with relationships. We all hurt each other. We get stubborn when we should compromise. We use people instead of appreciating them. When we don’t get our way, we insult others or make fun of them. Such behavior tears down relationships, leaving us bitter and alone.
Forgiveness restores broken relationships. Forgiveness calls a truce to hostilities so that healing can take place. Forgiveness is a lubricant that allows people to work together without friction.
But the most important reason you need forgiveness is because you’re a sinner. God made you and me and everyone else; He gives us food and shelter, family and friends, work and leisure. But He does have expectations—we are to be perfect like Him. God gives us rules to follow so we know what He expects. But we don’t obey Him, not perfectly. We ignore His rules when following them is inconvenient. We don’t pray to Him unless we want something. We act as if He can’t see and hear what we’re doing.
This makes God angry. His punishment is awful and eternal. That’s why you need forgiveness. When you are forgiven, God smiles on you. When you are forgiven, God opens heaven to you. When you are forgiven, you can have confidence because God is on your side.
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