Memory touchstones
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere (Psalm 84:10).
Some people like to collect antique toys or dolls. Some like to collect old baseball cards or comic books. Some like to collect vintage glassware or classic art. Almost every city has at least one shop where you can explore relics from the past and add to your collection of memorabilia.
When asked why they seek out antiques, some collectors might tell you that things were made better in the past, that artists took greater pride in their work, or that a collection of antiques is an investment that will grow in value over time. Others will speak of the excitement that comes from locating something rare, or getting a valuable item at a bargain price from a seller who doesn’t realize what it's worth. But collecting is mainly about one thing—happy memories.
When a collector picks up an old doll, she can remember where she was when she bought it. When a lover of old books sits down to read, he can recall what the weather was like the day he brought that volume home. For the collector, an antique is like an album of old photos, only better—because your memories include sounds and smells as well. Just one collectible can take you back to a day you hadn’t thought about for years, and remind you of good times you had almost forgotten.
The things you collect reflect what’s important to you. Items that call up pleasant memories are kept and displayed. Reminders of dark times are hidden away or disposed of. What do the things you’ve collected say about you? What kinds of memories do you treasure most?
Does a church building figure into your collection of memory-holders? Is there a communion rail where you took your confirmation vows and tasted the Lord’s Supper for the first time? Is there an altar where you spoke your wedding vows? Do you remember the font where you had your children baptized? Is there a church cemetery where you entrusted a loved one into Jesus’ eternal care? If you value important memories, then the church needs to be a part of your life, from the beginning of life all the way to the end.
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