The fear of the LORD leads to life: then one rests content, untouched by trouble (Proverbs 19:23).
When was the last time you felt content? And how long did that feeling last?
Contentment is when you don’t feel as if you need anything. You’re not particularly hungry or thirsty. You aren’t in any pain or discomfort. You aren’t worrying about problems looming in the future. You aren’t feeling angry, sad or lonely. When you are content, you are living in a moment of peace.
So I’ll ask you again—when was the last time you felt content? And how long did that feeling last? For most Americans, contentment is a rare commodity. Our culture constantly tells us that we need more—more success, more love, more good times. There is continual pressure to make more money, buy the newest stuff, get involved in more activities. If you aren’t constantly trying to achieve a new sales record, the boss will think you’re losing your drive. You are out of date if you are wearing last year’s fashions or drive a high-mileage car. Whether you play sports or a game of cards, you don’t just play for fun, you should play to win. Under these conditions, who can possibly be content?
Few understand the satisfaction that comes from working in a garden. Many are in such a rush that they can’t lose themselves in the pages of a good book. And who makes time to study the clouds, watch sunsets, or gaze at the stars? Increasingly, people have forgotten how to live in the moment.
Contentment is a gift from God; only He can make sure that our needs are met so that we are free to experience peace. People wonder what heaven will be like; I think that, with all of our needs met by Jesus, the afterlife will be like ‘living in the moment’ forever. But our Master gives us glimpses of contentment even in this life—you only need to consider the words of St. Paul, written while in prison: I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:12-13). Even during difficult times, Paul was able to live in the moment, trusting in Jesus to care for his needs. When you are sheltered in Jesus’ arms, you too can find contentment.
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