Cats, humans, and love
I have called you friends (John 15:15).
I like cats. I’ve had them as indoor pets for most of my life. The cats I’ve owned have been affectionate, playful, and good-natured. I enjoy having one sit in my lap while I read or watch TV. And I appreciate the fact that you don’t have to train them to use the litter box or take them for walks!
I know that some cats can be difficult. Some get destructive when they are mad. Others will treat delicate things as toys, losing some and breaking others. Some cats are moody or standoffish. Some act as if you only exist to keep them happy, while others ignore every rule you try to set for indoor behavior.
Obstinate cats are not so very different from obstinate humans. We get destructive when we are mad, snarling hurtful words and lashing out with bursts of violence. We damage God’s property, carelessly polluting the environment and wasting natural resources. We get moody and can be difficult to live with. We act as if everyone else exists only to make us happy—even God!
Sometimes I’ve been so mad at a cat that I just wanted to throw it across the room. What stopped me was love—I knew that treating the cat that way could seriously injure it, maybe even kill it. Of course, that didn’t stop me from giving it a swat—sometimes the only way you can get a cat’s attention and change its behavior is to cause it some pain.
So it is with God. We say and do things that invite His punishment. Thankfully, God loves us—loves us so much that He does not punish us as we deserve. That punishment He inflicted on His Son Jesus Christ, who died in our place to shield us from the consequences of our bad behavior. But God does give us swats occasionally; sometimes it’s the only thing that gets our attention and motivates us to respect God’s laws.
Of course, no emotional connection you have with a pet can hold a candle to the deep relationship you have with your child or a best friend. Nor does God look at us as mere pets; He loves us as His own dear children, treats us as honored friends of His Son. That is why Jesus taught us to begin our prayers with these words—Our Father…
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