Thursday, April 10, 2008

Reaching out

We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well (1 Thessalonians 2:8).

Our society is becoming terrified of personal contact. Some people won’t shake hands because they fear germs. Some won’t offer a compliment because they fear being accused of sexual harassment. There are people who avoid talking to strangers because they worry about being attacked. Others fiercely guard their privacy out of concern over identity theft.

I don’t deny that the world is a dangerous place, filled with criminals of every stripe. I understand the need to teach our children to be cautious with strangers, and for women who are alone to be aware of their surroundings. But frankly, I think that Americans are becoming too paranoid. Everywhere you look there are surveillance cameras. Do they make you feel more secure, or do they just stir up worry about why someone thought they were necessary?

Jesus warned His followers to live cautiously: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard against men (Matthew 10:16-17). But we must not let caution raise barriers between us. Jesus has given every believer an important task—we are to share His love with others. How can we share the love of Christ if we are afraid to talk with strangers? How can we demonstrate His love if we are constantly on the defensive?

When we let fear isolate us from each other, the devil smiles—he is pleased because He knows that we are not trusting Christ to protect us. Psalm 46 illustrates the kind of trust God looks for in our hearts: God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.

Jesus has given us work to do—reach out and offer His love to others. Certainly He will support us in doing His will! So don’t be afraid to talk with strangers. Don’t pull back from offering a hand to someone in need. Be willing to open up and share how Jesus has freed you from guilt and depression and fear. Be cautious, but don’t be afraid—that stranger standing nearby might one day thank you in heaven for reaching out to him now.

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