Every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything (Hebrews 3:4).
Why do Christians oppose teaching the theory of evolution? Put simply, we don’t want teachers filling the heads of our children with lies. The Bible is clear—God created the world, and He did not do it through billions of years of trial and error.
Now I realize that many people don’t believe in the Bible and resist the idea of creation being taught in school. So I have a suggestion—let’s just not teach evolution. After all, it’s only a theory, not provable fact. And anyway, evolution is bad science—it ignores some very basic rules of nature, such as the fact that over time things tend towards disorder, decay, and chaos. Flakes of rusty metal do not evolve into a shiny nail. A heap of rotted wood does not evolve into a cozy little bungalow. Order does not arise from chaos—not unless it is acted upon by an intelligent outside force. We should not be teaching our children bad science.
But there is another, more important reason to stop teaching evolution. If you are nothing more than an accident of nature, what will happen to you when you die? Will you just cease to exist? If so, then what is the point of seeking long-term love, having children, or trying to build a better future? If you are an accident of nature that will soon disappear, what’s the point of anything beyond just having as much fun as you can until you die?
Believers in evolution have no reason to oppose abortion—after all, the fetus is nothing special, it’s just an accident of nature, a clump of cells that has no meaning. Believers in evolution should not oppose physician-assisted suicide—we put down a horse when it is suffering, and people are only slightly more evolved than domestic animals. If we are the result of genetic mutation, then what’s the harm in applying genetic engineering to humans or cloning them? Won’t we just manufacture better people?
I’m being sarcastic—but only to make a point. When you eliminate God as the giver of life, life loses its value. If we are only the result of countless beneficial birth mutations, then human life is nothing particularly special. And when life stops being a sacred gift from God, people will treat it cheaply. So please, for the sake of us all, let’s stop teaching the harmful junk science of evolution.
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