Political Correctness
Jesus said to them, "Does this offend you?" (John 6:61)
In recent years, many have bought into the teachings of ‘Political Correctness.’ The philosophy is pretty simple—never say anything that might offend someone. We’re told that Political Correctness is a way for us to show love and respect to others. And many Christians now think this way—after all, Jesus wants us to love and respect each other.
Yet ever since Jesus walked the earth, many have been offended by His words. Does this mean that Jesus was insensitive? Certainly not! But the holy Son of God never turned a blind eye to sin. Sin is poison to the soul, and Jesus’ purpose in coming was to end sin’s dreadful power over us. So Jesus always confronted sin head-on; no health problem can be treated until it is exposed, whether it is a problem with the body or the soul.
No one likes being told that they are doing something wrong, even if they are told in a loving, gentle way. And so Jesus and His followers have always been resented for speaking truths that many do not want to hear. This has never been as true as it is today—because of Political Correctness, the message of the Church is regarded by many as offensive. Sadly, some churches are caving in to Political Correctness; they are so afraid of angering people that they will bend over backwards to be inoffensive. How often do the pastors of today tell their people that God hates divorce? How many sermons denounce sex outside of marriage? How many clergy have the courage to announce that God disapproves of homosexual behavior? Where are the warnings against drunkenness, greed, or using God’s name as a curse word? Too many churches would rather keep their members feeling comfortable than challenge them to give up their sinful pleasures in honor of Jesus.
But the biggest scandal of Christianity is this—that Jesus alone is our means of forgiveness and our key to heaven. Many are greatly angered when told that their religion is wrong and cannot fulfill the promises that it makes. So to avoid giving offense, some Christian churches no longer emphasize the Savior’s words, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). But it is not loving to let people go on living ignorantly in sin; when we do not try to show them their sins and lead them to the only One who can save them, we have traded true love for Political Correctness.
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