Thursday, January 17, 2008

Worry, worry, worry

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew 6:27)

When I was old enough to understand the risk, I started to worry about the danger of nuclear war. As the years went by, however, I realized how ridiculous I was being—after all, what could I do to prevent such a thing from happening? There is no point in fretting about things over which you have no control.

What do you worry about? A harvest ruined by disagreeable weather? Soaring fuel prices? Another terrorist attack on American soil? We live in a society ruled by fear. Some communities no longer allow fireworks for fear of injuries resulting in lawsuits; many schools have removed monkey bars from their playgrounds for the same reason. Politicians fear speaking their minds because they don’t want to risk angering anyone who might vote for them. Every day, national news sources fill our heads with a steady stream of things to worry about.

We waste far too much time worrying about things beyond our control. No one can adequately prepare for a hurricane like Katrina, a stock market crash like the one that triggered the Great Depression in 1929, or war with a nation that hates us. Worrying about the weather or the economy or foreign policy will only deprive you of sleep and the ability to enjoy today with your loved ones.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t plan for the future. Everyone should save money for retirement; everyone should have insurance to get them through an unexpected crisis. But planning is not the same as worrying. You set a plan into motion and you move on; worry, however, consumes your thoughts and distracts you from other matters that also need your attention.

Jesus tells us not to worry but instead have faith in Him. He is in control, and He loves you. When we worry, we are showing Jesus that we don’t trust Him as we should—we don’t trust in His love for us or that He has the power to see us through any tough situation that comes along. We waste the time God has given us when we worry; a far better use of our time is to take our concerns to Him in prayer, and then trust that He will guard and guide us each and every day.

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