Are you on an emotional rollercoaster?
May your unfailing love be my comfort (Psalm 119:76).
How are you feeling today? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you angry? Are you afraid?
What is making you feel this way? Are you happy because you are infatuated with someone? Are you sad because someone you love has left your life? Are you afraid of what you might find out the next time you go to a doctor? Are you angry that someone has hurt you?
Living with emotions can be like a ride on a roller coaster. You’re up, you’re down, you’re tossed around, you’re disoriented—emotions can be exhilarating and terrifying. Not only that, emotions can cause problems—they can set us up to make hasty decisions that we later regret.
Some people can’t handle the stress of emotions. They might ask a doctor to prescribe something to take the edge off, or they might medicate themselves with alcohol, nicotine, chocolate, marijuana, or any number of other mood-altering substances. In extreme cases, some even flee their emotions by committing suicide.
Is there any way to keep control over your emotions so that each day won’t be quite such an adventure? I’d like to suggest an alternative to substance abuse and suicide. Try Jesus. Jesus is the best solution I know for emotional peace and stability. He can help you manage anger. When Jesus was put to death for our sins, He did not get mad at those responsible for His death—instead He said, Father, forgive them (Luke 23:34). Jesus forgives us for causing hurt, and helps us learn how to let go of hurt and forgive others.
Jesus can help you overcome fear. He commanded, and storms ceased; He spoke, and the sick were healed. Jesus says, Trust in God; trust also in me (John 14:11). When you learn to trust Jesus, you realize that you have the Son of God Himself looking out for you; what can you possibly fear?
Jesus can lift your spirits when you are sad. He promises eternal life in paradise to everyone who believes in Him; He said, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies (John 11:25-26). Knowing this, death need not be a final farewell but only a comforting ‘see you soon.’
And Jesus can fill your life with happiness. He said, I have called you friends (John 15:15). You have the love and affection of God Himself, held out to you in Jesus’ nail-scarred hands.
With anger let go, fear calmed, sadness removed and the promise of God’s love, you can be confident that the majority of your days will be characterized by happiness.
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