Thursday, October 24, 2013

Supernatural power

With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27).

Despite all our advances in science, we still hunger for the miraculous.  The annual celebration of Halloween is one sign of this.  So are television shows, books and movies that feature vampires and werewolves, witches and sorcerers.  Magic offers possibilities that science cannot.  Doctors have effective treatments for a great many health problems, but there are cancers and disabilities for which there is no cure.  There are times when no amount of professional counseling can restore the affections of someone that you’ve hurt.  Some of your dreams are forever out of reach because no amount of education or training can get you what you want.

At times like these, we want to believe that impossible things can happen.  When things look hopeless, it's comforting to think that supernatural forces might actually exist.  Although it is fantasy, vampires hold the allure of eternal youth.  Think how romance could be stirred to life with a love potion or rekindled through magical forgetfulness.  Imagine what you could accomplish if you had supernatural power coursing through your veins.

Of course, we live in a scientific world where the supernatural is for dreamers and crackpots, make-believe for casual entertainment.  At the end of the day, harsh reality is inescapable.  If it cannot be accomplished by human ingenuity, then it’s impossible—isn’t it?

My friends, science doesn’t hold all the answers and fantasy cannot solve your problems.  But the supernatural is real, and it can do things that for us are impossible.  There is an unearthly power that can work miracles in nature, in your life, in your heart.  That extraordinary power resides in God and comes to us through His Son the Lord Christ.  Jesus has shown His power to heal incurable afflictions, even raise the dead back to life.  Our LORD has given incredible strength to Samson and uncanny wisdom to Solomon.  But the greatest miracle of all is that of mercy—Christ makes it possible for our relationships with God and each other to be healed with forgiveness and rebuilt by love.  If you feel let down by life, there’s a better place to invest your hope than baseless fantasy.  God is real, and His almighty power can change your life in miraculous ways.

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