Management advice
Each of us will give an account of himself to God (Romans 14:12).
When God created humanity, He gave us the responsibility of management. Each of us is given resources—money to invest, time to use wisely, relationships to nurture, property to develop, nature to preserve. When the Lord returns in glory, He will demand an accounting of how well we handled these things.
Rushing around frantically and getting nothing worthwhile accomplished is just as bad as lazily doing nothing. Buying stuff you don’t need wastes dollars that could otherwise be given to charity or the mission work of the Church. Getting your priorities wrong leaves important relationships to fail from neglect. Finding the right balance in these things is just as tricky as trying to decide between economic growth through industrial development and preserving the environment for our kids and grand-kids.
When God handed us the responsibility for earth’s management, it wasn’t a hard assignment—our first parents had a share of God’s wisdom and they lived in a world where all things were perfect. But that perfection has been lost; the world is now plagued with impossibly complex challenges and our ability to act wisely has been undercut by selfishness, short-sightedness and just plain apathy.
There is but one solution. We must return to the God who created the world and gave us charge over its many resources. We need His help to make the best use of our limited time. We need His guidance to spend money wisely. We need His assistance to get our priorities right. We need His power to secure a future that is economically sound and uses the environment responsibly.
You cannot do God’s work correctly if you ignore the Lord of All. Jesus gave His life on the cross to wash away your sins with His holy blood. He made this tremendous sacrifice so you can approach God with love and confidence, not fear and reluctance. Christ invites you to hear what God says in the Bible, words that put the challenges of life into perspective. He urges you to get in the habit of daily prayer, seeking the forgiveness that He offers for screwing up and asking His blessings on all your endeavors. Managing the challenges of life is much easier when you rely on Jesus as your consultant.
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