The great conspiracy
We are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world (Ephesians 6:12).
People love a good conspiracy theory. Here are a few that I’ve heard throughout the years. Jesus was married and had children; the Church covered this up because it proves he was just a man, not the Son of God. For centuries, the Masonic Order has been placing key men into positions of power in order to rule the world. A UFO crashed in Roswell New Mexico, and our government has been secretly analyzing technology taken from the wreckage. John F. Kennedy was murdered by agents of the government, who set up Lee Harvey Oswald as a patsy. All the lunar landings were faked in a secret film studio. Right wing government officials allowed the 9/11 terrorist attack to happen, in order to convince Americans to support war in the Middle East. Barack Obama is not an American citizen; his supporters are covering up birth records that would prove he is not eligible to be president. These theories just represent a fraction of what’s out there.
What do all these theories have in common? Fear, mistrust, and unbelief. The Masonic lodge has private meetings and secret rituals; this prompts fear among those who are excluded. People who mistrust governmental power constantly look for anything that hints of corruption and cover-up. Some individuals can’t accept incredible things as true—therefore NASA must have lied about men walking in the moon, and the Bible must be lying when it says that Jesus walked on water and rose from the dead.
Satan loves a good conspiracy theory. He wants us looking at each other with suspicion. He wants us to jump to conclusions and spread rumors as if they are the truth. He wants us to feel afraid, powerless, isolated. He doesn’t want us to notice the one conspiracy that is really going on. There are enemy agents everywhere, hidden but active. They are masters of falsehood and manipulation. They work together in a vast network, undermining peace and stability. They are the angels who fell from God’s grace; they are demons and Satan is their general.
I doubt that most conspiracy theories are true, but there is no doubt in my mind that the forces of darkness, though invisible, are all too real and feverishly active. Thank God for Christ Jesus—with Him on our side, we are safe and have no reason to live in fear.
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