Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas music

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music (Psalm 98:4).

Music is all around us, but I wonder if we appreciate the effect that music has on us?

Some of the time, we burrow into music like a warm and comfy blanket. A man who’s going through a breakup might find solace in a bunch of ‘she done him wrong’ songs; although depressing, such music gives comfort that he’s not alone with his pain. An angry teen might prefer music with a hard beat and aggressive lyrics, the kind of music that reflects her mood. Music can echo how you feel.

But music can also take us on an emotional journey from where we are to where we want to be. Someone who is lonely finds solace listening to songs about love. Someone who is worried or depressed can find relief in songs that are filled with happiness and joy. Music can change how you feel about things, at least for a little while.

Music can manipulate emotions, and corporations make use of this knowledge. Some office buildings play music in the background that is designed to keep the workers attentive and moving at a brisk clip. Medical centers use music to give anxious patients a tranquilizing effect. And stores use music to encourage shoppers to spend time browsing the aisles, filling up their carts with lots of things to purchase.

This is especially noticeable during the weeks leading up to Christmas. Everywhere you go, the air is filled with music chosen to make you feel nostalgic, so you’ll buy pretty things to dress up home for the holidays. Songs about dinner parties and gift giving encourage purchases of food and merchandise.

But when you are out and about, you don’t hear many of the older Christmas songs—the ones about Jesus. Songs about the Christ Child coming to bring us peace with God don’t encourage shopping—such music draws us to Church and the worship of God’s Son. The old songs remind us that we are sinners who would be cursed to an eternity in hell if God had not offered His forgiveness through the Messiah who came to die for us. Those old Christmas Carols are still the best holiday music available; listen for them, because the message they carry changes lives forever.

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