Surviving change
A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm (Mark 4:37-39).
Change can be terrifying. Just ask a woman who suddenly lost the love of her life after decades of happy marriage. Just ask the man who has gotten a pink slip after years of employment with the company. Just ask anyone who has been recently diagnosed with aggressive cancer.
Even good change is stressful. Many look forward to retirement, yet get nervous as the time approaches. Parents thrill to see their children grow up and start life on their own, but dread becoming empty-nesters. Marriage and childbirth, a new school or a new job, these wonderful events are also nerve-wracking to go through.
Change is tough when you have time to prepare for it, and change can be devastating if it catches you unawares. Experience has taught us that change often brings unpleasant consequences and responsibilities that we are not equipped to handle. This leads us to assume the worst when thinks get shaken up. We want time to get ready; we want to be prepared for any difficulties brought about by change. Put simply, we fear the unknown. Change disrupts ordinary routine by introducing something new, something we don’t feel ready for. This is why most people resist change, especially when things start happening fast.
When change causes stress, we need something stable to hold on to. This is why the Bible describes God as a rock, a solid footing we can anchor to. God does not change; despite all the chaos surrounding us, He is the calm eye in the middle of the storm.
Our Lord is all-powerful. He brought order out of chaos at the beginning of time, and He still does so today. God is wisdom incarnate; He never acts rashly. And God is love; His actions are always motivated by what is best for us. So really, what have you got to be afraid of? The LORD can bring you safely through any change if you just put your trust in Him.
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