Sharpened vision
Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death (Psalm 13:3).
Some time back, I had laser surgery on one of my eyes. The procedure was to correct a defect that had given me blurry vision for years, a blurriness that could not be corrected with any kind of optical lens. After six months of healing, I was finally ready for a new pair of glasses. At long last, I was able to see clearly. Gone were the headaches that came from trying to bring things into focus. Gone was the frustration of not being able to read small print, or having to tilt my head a certain way in order to see the television clearly. Finally, I could enjoy distant scenery as I drive along the road.
I’ve known Jesus my entire life. But I know people who did not have that privilege—they only met Christ after many years of struggling with problems on their own. These born-again Christians have obvious joy in their relationship with Jesus. They spent years living in a blurry world where nothing was clear. Sin distorted their view of everything, muddling reality with lies and half-truths. When they became friends with the Savior, all that changed. Jesus corrected their vision problem by dealing with their sin. Forgiven and shown the truth, they have been blessed to see with clarity. Gone are the headaches that come from trying to make sense of a world where morality is always shifting. Gone is the frustration of having to twist yourself in knots in order to impress other people or win their approval. At long last, these new Christians can see beyond the pressures of today and rejoice in the beauty of eternal life with God in paradise.
Each of us would do well to pause and take a careful look at things from God’s perspective. Have you gotten used to sin making issues of right and wrong look fuzzy and uncertain? Are you frustrated by people who expect you to keep them happy, regardless of how it makes you feel? Have you lost the joy of seeing God’s love in your life because all you see are the problems that are right in your face?
God can solve your problem with blurry vision. His prescription: a closer relationship with Jesus. Talk with Him every day through prayer. Buy a good study Bible and schedule time with it each week. Let God’s word fill you by attending worship regularly. Focus on Christ, and see how much it can change your outlook on life.
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