The size and role of government
The authorities that exist have been established by God (Romans 13:1).
Republicans and Democrats constantly argue about how much power and reach government should have. Republicans believe that small government is better; they fear loss of freedom if there is too much regulation. Democrats worry about the rich and powerful trampling the poor and weak; they want government to protect the common man against abuses of power. But what should a Christian make of these arguments? We know that God establishes government for our good, but how much should government affect our lives?
When Jesus was asked to offer an opinion on paying taxes He said, give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God (Matthew 22:21). Caesar was the emperor—he represented the rule of government. Jesus taught that government and religion both make claims on us, and we have obligations to each of them. But in Acts chapter five, when there was tension between government and religion, Peter said we must obey God rather than any human authority. In other words, we are to obey the government so long as it does not contradict what God commands.
Governments are expected to organize soldiers for national defense. God expects government officials to protect the defenseless from exploitation. But how big or far-reaching does government need to be? The Bible does not say. Jesus did say let nothing be wasted (John 6:12); we can infer that wasteful government spending does not meet with God’s approval. The Lord commands judges to look out for the rights of victims; since judges work for the government, we can conclude that the Lord looks favorably on government assistance to those suffering from poverty or disability. In the Old Treatment, God issued laws regarding business and commerce; clearly, the government is expected to regulate such things.
But government exceeds its authority when it tries to overwrite God’s commands. The Lord forbids homosexuality; the government has no right to legalize gay marriage. God sees all children as a precious gift originating in His love; the government has no right to legalize abortion. Jesus commands us to speak of Him to all people; the government has no right to regulate where and when people can pray, distribute Bibles, or tell others about the Son of God who suffered and died that we might live forever in paradise.
Government has a big job to do—but it dare not overstep its bounds.
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